18.1 C
New York
June 29, 2024
Kampala Daily

Video: Kyambogo University Lecturer Allegedly Rapes 16-Year-Old Blind Student

The police are investigating allegations of the alleged defilement of an underage blind girl by a senior staff member of Kyambogo University.

It is alleged that in early October, Dr. Lawrence Eron, the former Dean of the School of Special Needs, dragged and raped a 16-year-old blind girl while accompanying her from a trip in Kenya.

However, the father of the victim is concerned that the police chose to release Dr. Eron on police bond for what now appears to be a capital offence.

Dr. Eron is accused of defiling a 16-year-old visually impaired student at a secondary school in Mukono District.

In an interview with NTV Uganda, the student of Sir Apollo Kaggwa, Nakisunga, in Mukono District was raped by Dr. Eron after returning from a conference in Nairobi, Kenya.

The source claimed that the visually impaired student was one of the beneficiary of a scheme sponsored by Royal Dutch Visio, a world wide agency that assists kids with visual impairments in secondary education.

The organisation implements its initiatives in collaboration with Kyambogo University. According to the sources, the victim and other students travelled to Nairobi for the conference on October 7.

Leading the team was Dr. Eron, a senior employee at Kyambogo University’s Faculty of Special Needs and Rehabilitation.

Following the conference on October 14, the students arrived back in Uganda late at night. The team trusted the accused university personnel to drive some of the students home.

“We were only two people in his car, and I got thirsty and requested the water. However, the moment I took the water, I blackedout. After some time, when I regained consciousness, I was in the back seat. He immediately gave me a pill, and when I asked what it was for, he told me it would be effective after 74 hours.”

She further stated that after he had committed the heinous act, he threatened her not to tell anyone or else her life and her family would be in danger.

On October 23, the student, in the company of her parents, reported the matter to Jinja Road Police Station. The accused university staff was arrested and detained at Jinja Road Police Station until October 27, when he was granted police bond.

Dr. Eron has since vanished after receiving the police bond. Deputy police spokesperson for Kampala Metropolitan, Luke Owoyesigire, says that a manhunt for Dr. Eron is ongoing and whoever granted bond is being investigated.

Video credit: NTV

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