27.4 C
New York
June 27, 2024
Kampala Daily
Security agencies in Karamoja have called for calm as they continue investigating the unfortunate incident in which Ambrose Lochoto (Pictured), the National Unity Platform (NUP) chairperson in charge of Kotido District, was mistakenly shot dead in an ambush targeting cattle rustlers.

NUP official shot dead in ambush targeting cattle rustlers

Security agencies in Karamoja have called for calm as they continue investigating the unfortunate incident in which Ambrose Lochoto, the National Unity Platform (NUP) chairperson in charge of Kotido District, was mistakenly shot dead in an ambush targeting cattle rustlers.

Lochoto alias Machete, was shot dead at Kapalani Bar East, Kaabong Town Council, in Kaabong District.

In a statement released Sunday, March 10, the joint security indicated that there was a raid on the night of Friday, March 8, 2024, in Kakamar and security had to deploy in all the spots since they thought the raiders who were Turkana could return.

“On March 9, 2024, at around 11:35 pm, information was received by security agencies from intelligence that unknown armed suspected warriors had raided cattle from Kakamar Sub County, and upon receiving the said information, the joint security forces started laying an ambush in different crossing points of the rustlers with the aim of intercepting, recovering and disarming the suspected warriors.

The victim, Lochoto entered into the laid ambush of the joint forces at around 12:30 am and he was shot dead knowing that he was among the suspected warriors who had raided Kakamar,” the statement said.

The deceased’s body was on Sunday morning conveyed to Kaabong General Hospital for a post-mortem.

A friend of the deceased who preferred anonymity, on Sunday morning told New Vision, “It is unfortunate, Lochoto landed in one of the places security had taken cover in the middle of the night and he was moving without a shirt, and he couldn’t explain himself to the security. He was suspected to be one of them.”

However, on Sunday, NUP president Robert Kyagulanyi claimed security was attempting a cover-up by suggesting Lochoto was a Turkana warrior. He demanded justice.

“Lochoto, the Chairperson of our mobilisation team in Kaabong District, was last evening shot dead by Ugandan security operatives as he returned from watching a football game. Onlookers say Lochoto’s killers pursued and shot him dead at close range, and then delivered his body to the mortuary. We’re told they’re now trying to cover up by suggesting that this comrade was a Turkana warrior whom they killed in an ambush,” Kyagulanyi said.

He further noted that “While NUP supporters and mobilisers go through incredible problems all over the country, it’s worse in Northern Uganda where Resident District Commissioners (RDCs), District Internal Security Officers (DISO’s), Gombolola Internal Security Officers, District Police Commanders, among others, work overtime to instill fear in the entire population. Since the 2021 election, several comrades have been killed in West Nile, Lango, Acholi, and Karamoja. We strongly condemn this cowardly action, and demand for justice for comrade Lochoto!”

NUP Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya said, “We have woken up to the terrible news of the murder of our mobilisation head for Kaabong District in Karamoja sub-region, comrade Lochoto Ambrose aka Machete.

According to our teams on the ground, comrade Lochoto had received numerous threats in the past because of his uncompromising character.”

Source: New Vision

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