16 C
New York
June 28, 2024
Kampala Daily

Chinese national arrested over illegal sale of army uniforms

Police in Kampala are holding a 33-year-old Chinese national on accusations of possessing and selling Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) uniforms.

Mr Jin Yungung was arrested on May 3 in an intelligence-led operation by the police in the Kampala Metropolitan North.

According to the Kampala Metropolitan Police deputy spokesperson, Mr Luke Owoyesigyire, the operation was carried out in areas of Ganda, Nansana Municipality in Wakiso District where Mr Yungung was operating a shop.

“During the operation, Mr Yungung was found operating a shop involved in the illegal sale of government property, specifically army uniforms, shoes, and gloves. Significant quantities of military equipment were seized from his premises located at Kasaga building, shop No.14. His shop was targeted following intelligence reports,” Mr Owoyesigyire said in a statement released on May 6, 2024.

According to police, investigations revealed Mr Yungung’s collaboration with an individual only identified as Frank, purportedly affiliated with the Special Forces Command (SFC), who provided both the business idea and financing.

“Mr Yungung admitted that some uniforms were sourced from Somalia through Frank, who transported them to Nansana for distribution. It was also revealed that he entered Uganda as a tourist, renewing his visa periodically by travelling to neighbouring countries,” Mr Owoyesigyire said.

Currently, Mr Yungung is detained at Kawempe Police Station pending further interrogation, along with efforts to locate and question Frank.

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