26.5 C
New York
July 2, 2024
Kampala Daily

Teacher Arrested For Pouring Acid On Wife And His Two Sons

A teacher from Eagles Nest secondary school which is in Mengo, Kensenyi, and a resident of Namusera in Wakiso district is being detained at Kakira Central Police Station in Jinja for allegedly pouring acid on his pregnant wife, two step sons, and another female victim.

According to Mr.James Mubi the Kiira, Jinja region police spokesperson, the suspect “Rogers Ngobi, 26, a born of Kalalu village, Buyinda sub county Kaliro district and teacher at Eagles Nest secondary school in Mengo Kensenyi and resident of Namusera in Wakiso district on Sunday, May 19, 2024 reportedly poured liquid which later came to be identified as acid on his wife Shallot Kwagala 30, the two step sons identified as Elvis Mukisa 6 and Elijah Mununuzi 3 and Kwagala’s Auntie Mwima Lovisa 47.’’

These are admitted at Buwenge General Hospital for the proper attention and medical treatment accorded to the acid victims.

Kwagala sustained third degree burns on her head, face, breasts, back and waist while Mukisa sustained severe burns on the face and eyes and Mwima sustained burns on her right hand and lastly Elijah Mununuzi sustained minor spills.

It alleged that this happened after the suspect stormed a family meeting intended to resolve domestic misunderstandings he had with his a wife Kwagala failed to convince her to return to his home.

According to police the meeting took place that took place in Nakagyo cell, Buyengo Town Council, Jinja district on May 19, 2024.

“Ngobi stormed the meeting and removed blue smaller jerrican from his pockets and poured liquid (acid) on his wife, two step sons and Kwagala’s Auntie.” Reads a statement from police.

Ms. Kwagala has told police that she met her offender husband via a WhatsApp group in November 2023 when Ngobi hoodwinked her into a lucrative job offer worth one hundred million shillings (shs100m) in Kampala

“When Kwagala reached Kampala things didn’t go on well as expected, she was shocked to find no kiosk dealing in general merchandise, she was taken to single rented room in Namusera in Wakiso district with only a small mattress and jerricans in the house.” Mr. Mubi told our reporter.

Meanwhile police have said they have established that the suspect has been serial offender.

“He has been conning very many women promising them non-existent jobs and later on sexually exploiting them. Said Mr. Mubi

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