21.5 C
New York
July 4, 2024
Kampala Daily

Woman Working As A Househelp In Saudi Arabia In Tears After Mansion She Is Buidling In Her Village Swept Away By Floods

Vero Gaps Waithera, a Kenyan woman, turned to TikTok to express her grief over the loss of her assets due to heavy rainfall in Mai Mahiu, Nakuru County.

These assets, acquired through her work in Saudi Arabia, were swept away by the floods caused by the torrential downpour.

In a heartfelt TikTok video posted just a day ago, Ms. Waithera tearfully lamented the devastation, repeatedly expressing her disbelief and despair at the destruction of everything she had worked for. Her house, still under construction, was completely destroyed by the flash floods, leaving her unsure of how to rebuild her life.

“God, I don’t know where to start from. But all my savings, my house I was building in Mai Mahiu – all are gone. All is gone. I don’t know where to start from my God. And the way I had sacrificed so much working in this country. God, why me? Why me Lord? I don’t know…zote zimeenda, hakuna kitu imebaki hata moja (everything is gone, nothing, not even one thing was left behind). Everything was carried away. Everything was carried away by the rains,” Ms. Waithera cried out in her emotional video.

The heavy rainfall led to the overflow of water from a gulley in Kiambu, which cascaded down to Naivasha Sub-County, causing raging waters that swept away people and property in Mai Mahiu. Tragically, the disaster has claimed the lives of 45 individuals, with ongoing rescue operations and aid being provided to flood victims, many of whom have been displaced from their homes.


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