23.5 C
New York
June 30, 2024
Kampala Daily

Kampala Traffic Police Crack Down On Road Safety Violations, Impound 93 Vehicles

In a firm step towards reducing road safety violations, 93 motor vehicles were seized today by the Directorate of Traffic and Road Safety across various stations in Kampala.

The areas targeted included Wandegeya, Katwe, Kabalagala, Kajjansi, Kawempe, Jinja Road, Kiira Division, Kiira Road, and CPS. The seizures were due to illegal sirens, roof lights, modified lights, and breaches of one-way traffic rules.

Michael Kananura, the spokesperson for the Traffic Police, highlighted the seriousness of these violations. He pointed out that such violations not only put lives at risk but also disrupt the smooth flow of traffic. He stressed the importance of all drivers following the established rules and regulations to ensure the safety of all road users.

As per the Traffic and Road Safety Act of 1998 and its subsequent amendments, the drivers of the seized vehicles will be called to court. Their statements have been documented as part of the legal proceedings.

Kananura added that these operations would continue until all violating vehicles are dealt with.

The police issued a stern warning to all owners and drivers of vehicles that fall within the categories mentioned above.

Non-compliance with the regulations and failure to correct the illegal modifications could result in additional penalties, including further seizures.

This recent action highlights the ongoing efforts by authorities to improve road safety and ensure adherence to traffic laws.

Vehicle owners and drivers are encouraged to take the initiative to ensure their vehicles meet the required standards. This will help them avoid legal consequences and contribute to a safer road environment.

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