21.5 C
New York
July 4, 2024
Kampala Daily

15-year-old boy held over killing father

Police in Kassanda District are holding a 15-year-old boy on allegations of murdering his biological father John Luyima, 50, a resident of Katovu Village in Kamuli Sub County.

According to Ms Rachel Kawala, the Wamala Regional police spokesperson, preliminary findings indicate that on Thursday evening, the deceased returned to his home from a drinking joint where he had been for the whole day.

“When he reached home according to his wife Josephine Nakayana, he started quarrelling with her. After having his supper he proceeded to bed and later woke up and shifted the quarrel to his children and started beating them up,” Mr Kawala said.

“It is alleged that his 15-year-old son picked a machete and cut him on the head causing his death. We are informed that the family had been having longstanding domestic violence,” she added.

Ms Kawala decried increasing cases of domestic violence and encouraged all victims to seek assistance from the police’s child protection unit.

The body of the deceased was conveyed to Kassanda Health Centre IV for postmortem as investigations continue.

According to the 2023 Police Crime Report, a total of 257 cases of murder by hacking were recorded in the past year representing a 15 per cent increase from 215 cases in 2022.

Source: Monitor

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