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New York
July 27, 2024
Kampala Daily

Police In Koboko Hunting For Woman Who Stole Twin From Hospital

Police in Koboko are currently searching for a main suspect involved in the abduction of a twin boy from Koboko Hospital in Central Cell, Apa ward, South Division, Koboko Municipality, Koboko district.

According to reports, an unidentified woman took the newborn baby boy, who belonged to Afekuru Baifa, a resident of Maracha district. The incident took place shortly after the mother underwent a Caesarean section and gave birth to a boy and a girl.

The West Nile regional Police spokesperson, Josephine Angucia, revealed that preliminary investigations indicate that the suspect posed as a ward attendant and offered assistance to the mother of the twins. Seizing the opportunity while Chandiru Beatrice, the actual attendant and sister-in-law of the mother, along with midwife Drateru Hella, stepped out of the ward, the unidentified woman fled with the baby boy while the mother remained unconscious.

The attendant, who also happened to be the mother’s sister-in-law, promptly reported the theft of the baby to the authorities under case reference Koboko CPS 39/29/03/2024. Angucia stated that the police have escalated their search efforts and urged the general public to participate in locating the newborn baby boy within their communities and surrounding villages.

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